5 min readFeb 14, 2022


One day, a XYZ Pizzeria specialist comes and requests us to get counseling about their “Voice of Customer” satisfaction points on well-known application markets. They have had a good reputation in past but now, by widening their service network, giving new franchaises, having new team members and resisting the current economical crisis, they lose their legendary impression. So, their VoC points on especially application markets dramatically decreases and they must put a stop to it.

Main Persona: Ms Linda Sarcossa, A data analysis specialist that wants to improve the customer experience, who is for XYZ PIZZERIA, in voice of customer department. She wants to optimise all data to maximize satisfaction & minimize complaints.

First, we need to put ourselves into customers shoes first and see why they have all these complaints? (emphatise)
Customer complaints taken from Google Play/App Store divided into 4 main headings.

Such as;
- Restaurant cancels some of the orders after approval notification. (approximately 20 min.
after approval) => service
- Late delivery (not in first 30 min., it takes approximately 1-1.5 hours) => delivery
- Couriers not bringing pos/other devices for paying via credit or gift cards for food. => customer relations
- Pizzas are not as tasty as they used to be, less ingredients are used cause of economical reasons. => retail

I would ask our main persona about 5 w 1 h, I mean; (define)
• Who are responsible for to solve these problems in every restaurant basis. (i.e; any of these problems can be solved by headquarters by changing some of policy? Or do we need to regulate and check each restaurants operation?)
• What are these problems causing? A loss of reputation/return/order numbers or do customers deleting the application on their devices?
• When did they faced by these problems first?
• What other solutions did they try? Did they try 2 or more way to manage this operation or not? If they tried 2 or more solutions, which features of this solutions combined to solve these problems?
• Why are these problems ocurring? Do they have an insight? Is this crisis expected in this dimension? If so, what preparation did they make? If they have had some insights, how did they use these results?
• How did they manage untill now?
• At least, what level of satisfaction is needed to save this crisis table ungently?
• How much time do they have time for an optimisation process in middle-term?
• At final, what level of satisfaction in each topics do they want to have at least? What are the emergency points of each levels? And if satisfaction levels will not at the desired points, how long and how can they tolerate? Do we have to create any other plans to manage this crisis?

I would ask our technical team to understand the system capabilities & constraints that;
• Can we work ML-based analytics tool with specific, especially crucial keywords to categorise the complaints as «ALARM!»?
• Do we have any other similar solutions? If so, what solution probabilities do we have?
• Can we demonstrate all correlations in the way that I have designed?
• Can we demonstrate significant dates that one or all of the topics have alarmed sight (too low or too high) while filtering date? (Not in notifications, but as widgets)

I would ask our Product Manager to understand the product’s capabilities and if it fits the product vision statement that;
• How can we categorise the problems of our persona? Can we use keywords? (If so, are #retail, #delivery, #services, #customerrelations #couriercommunication okay? What else?)
• I think we have to decrease the need to texting about customer complaints on App Store/ Google Play. So, I recommend offering users some choices in order to categorise problems easily. (They can misspell complaints and we can skip some misspellings while creating keywords) So, can we embed some widgets in this application with a specific questions to easily address the problem to the right topic? (i.e; heading is «If only my order is a bit more…» and choices are; «tasty», «early», «friendly during delivery», «responsibly about payment» then rate bar appears)

I would check my design if it fits customer’s needs or not in this way: (ptototyping & test)
First, I would go hand in hand with customer to co-design, because I think this design sprint methodology is the best way to create B2B solutions (the usability testing process in b2b projects has significantly lower availability than mainstream consumer sites). Then I would explain the goal of this test, clear both general and specifis tasks using some internal jargon, review all questions before testing, invite both external and internal participants and consider participant perspective during the process.

Then, I would create a cognitive walkthrough process to get the answers to these questions:
- Have we met the customer’s expectations totally? (If not, I would ask some questions that
have frank aswers)
- What exactly is the customer’s interest? Is there any point that creates “wow!” effect? If so, what are they?
- What did they expect to gain and could they gain it?
- Have they any concerns? If so, what are they?
I would benchmark competitors in the light of customer’s feedbacks and by using them in a hypothetically created case to note all fail, unnecessary and insufficient points. Also, I would combine all necesarry parts of them to meet customer’s need.

I designed a “Go to” component to be able to see a specific year, day & month because customer may want to see aa exact date’s data in any time, so we should add this calendar option that does not demonstrate future dates’ data. Also, with this component, specific weeks, months and years can be demonstrated (average points) Furthermore, our customer may want to compare two different dates (i.e.; 27th Jan 2022 vs. 8th June 2016) So, we need a crosscheck box here. Of course, it can be used with “Filter by” component to show daily, weekly, monthly or yearly improvements. Dates will be compared are chosen from “Go to” button.

